
Our Planet

"A Time with a Tree"

2020.02.12 A Time with a Tree

Text : Rie Motokura

We were playing in the snow under the bright sun. After playing with much snow, S-kun came close to a tree. He was touching the tree and was talking to it in a quiet voice as if they were having a conversation. He was pressing his ears onto a tree, as he was listening to it. I wonder what he heard. Was it cold? Bumpy? Scratchy? I wonder what texture he felt.
His right hand finger touched a small hole in the tree and kept on making frictions on it. He stood up, and lifted his face and still, he was touching the tree. He did not even notice when K-kun came around. After circling around a tree, he let out a big sigh, “phew”. He hugged it, and would not leave for a while.
This particular scene was so beautiful and serene, as many other things include so much conversation. It made me want to peek into his emotions in this special time.



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